What Worshipers Will Find in Contemporary Churches in Jacksonville

by | Sep 29, 2021 | Church

You’ve been thinking about getting back in church, but you’re not sure where to attend. As you mull over the options, why not consider visiting one of the contemporary churches in Jacksonville and see what you think? Churches of this type offer some advantages that may motivate you to return. Here are some examples.

One has to do with the eclectic style of worship. Rather than being based solely on liturgy, the worship services are likely to be a little different each time. They will include a core group of elements that provide some continuity, but they may be arranged differently from one service to the next. They are also likely to be augmented with music, drama, and other elements that are a little out of the ordinary.

It’s not unusual for a contemporary congregation to be less concerned with what people are wearing. Many of them choose to be welcoming to people from all walks of life. That means people who just got off work can feel free to come to church wearing their uniforms. It also means that someone who may be looked down on elsewhere because their clothing is not top of the line will find that people in a contemporary church are more interested in making them feel at home instead of judging their attire.

It’s not unusual for contemporary churches in Jacksonville to be active in the life of the wider community. If you’re hoping to find a place of worship that operates specific ministries designed to help the less fortunate or those who are otherwise struggling, this is the type of church for you. There will be several volunteer opportunities that may allow you to be part of that outreach and support.

Come try out a contemporary church and find out what it’s like. It could turn out to be the church home that you’ve been wanting for some time.

For more information, please contact South Point Community Church.

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